Friday, May 28, 2010

Do Your Best and Forget the Rest

It has been about 3 months since the birth of my latest baby. I am the heaviest I've been in 7 years. Folks, it is time to BRING IT!

You've probably seen those infomercials on TV. You know, the ones with the super ripped guys and girls with chiseled arms. I've seen them. The only one that has really gotten my attention is P90X. An intense 90 day program complete with exercises and food guide. I have watched that infomercial from beginning to end, more than once. I've googled, yahooed and chatted about it online. I've watched ordinary people's youtube videos. Finally, after about a year of research and debate my husband and I bought the program. We started it a little more than a year ago, around January 2009. The results were impressive. I was unable to complete the program, having been hit with two different flus nearly back to back that spring, but my husband managed to stick with it for the most part without me. He looked great! Then, last summer, we found out that we were having a baby… and the next 10 months are history.

So, now it is the end of May 2010. Maternity clothes are too big, my "fat" clothes are too small. I'm in no man's land. It's been nearly 3 months and I'm physically ready, my milk supply is safely established and I am definitely sick of the post baby bulge. My husband is sick of HIS post baby bulge too. (It works that way most of the time, you know, men get "pregnant" too.)

I've taken the last week to prepare, and on Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I will take the fit test, our weight and our measurements. Monday is day 1. Monday we push play. Monday we throw down with Tony Horton. And you, my lovelies, get a front row seat to my transformation.

Let me warn you… it will not be pretty.

Here are some motivational videos. I hope you will devote yourself to becoming healthy with me, not necessarily through P90X, but come on, lets do this thang!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that the first hurdle... initiating it?! My husband's friend is burning me copies of his set. I can't wait to get started with it! I'm looking forward to checking in with ya to see how it's going!!
