Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Today’s craft is a quick and easy ribbon pin.

You may even have all the materials you need laying around the house or in your craft area.
Supplies Needed:
Green ribbons (1 yard per color)
Sewing Needles
Spare Buttons
Pin Backs
Fray Check
Chose your ribbons. I’ve chosen 3 ribbons of varying shades of green. Cut your ribbons to 1 yard (36 inches) in length.
Align your ribbons and hold them in the exact middle (18 inches)
Take the right tail of your ribbon set and flip it in a loop as shown. Do the same with the left tail.
Both tails should now be pointing down.
Repeat step 3, so that both ribbon tails are pointing up.
Secure the loops with a straight pin.
Using your needle and thread, secure all the layers of ribbon. Your stitches don’t have to be neat, they just need to hold all the loops and layers in place.
Without cutting your thread, sew your decorative button to the middle of your ribbon shamrock, covering your previous stitches.
Again, without cutting your thread, sew your pin back to the back of your shamrock.
Tie off your thread and add a dab of Fray Check to add strength to your knot.
Trim the ribbon tails at an angle and dab ends with Fray Check to keep ribbon from unravelling.
Viola! You have a beautiful Ribbon Shamrock pin!
Don't forget to put it on - you don't want to get pinched!
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