Another P90X success story! Enjoy!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Do Your Best and Forget the Rest
It has been about 3 months since the birth of my latest baby. I am the heaviest I've been in 7 years. Folks, it is time to BRING IT!
You've probably seen those infomercials on TV. You know, the ones with the super ripped guys and girls with chiseled arms. I've seen them. The only one that has really gotten my attention is P90X. An intense 90 day program complete with exercises and food guide. I have watched that infomercial from beginning to end, more than once. I've googled, yahooed and chatted about it online. I've watched ordinary people's youtube videos. Finally, after about a year of research and debate my husband and I bought the program. We started it a little more than a year ago, around January 2009. The results were impressive. I was unable to complete the program, having been hit with two different flus nearly back to back that spring, but my husband managed to stick with it for the most part without me. He looked great! Then, last summer, we found out that we were having a baby… and the next 10 months are history.
So, now it is the end of May 2010. Maternity clothes are too big, my "fat" clothes are too small. I'm in no man's land. It's been nearly 3 months and I'm physically ready, my milk supply is safely established and I am definitely sick of the post baby bulge. My husband is sick of HIS post baby bulge too. (It works that way most of the time, you know, men get "pregnant" too.)
I've taken the last week to prepare, and on Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I will take the fit test, our weight and our measurements. Monday is day 1. Monday we push play. Monday we throw down with Tony Horton. And you, my lovelies, get a front row seat to my transformation.
Let me warn you… it will not be pretty.
Here are some motivational videos. I hope you will devote yourself to becoming healthy with me, not necessarily through P90X, but come on, lets do this thang!
You've probably seen those infomercials on TV. You know, the ones with the super ripped guys and girls with chiseled arms. I've seen them. The only one that has really gotten my attention is P90X. An intense 90 day program complete with exercises and food guide. I have watched that infomercial from beginning to end, more than once. I've googled, yahooed and chatted about it online. I've watched ordinary people's youtube videos. Finally, after about a year of research and debate my husband and I bought the program. We started it a little more than a year ago, around January 2009. The results were impressive. I was unable to complete the program, having been hit with two different flus nearly back to back that spring, but my husband managed to stick with it for the most part without me. He looked great! Then, last summer, we found out that we were having a baby… and the next 10 months are history.
So, now it is the end of May 2010. Maternity clothes are too big, my "fat" clothes are too small. I'm in no man's land. It's been nearly 3 months and I'm physically ready, my milk supply is safely established and I am definitely sick of the post baby bulge. My husband is sick of HIS post baby bulge too. (It works that way most of the time, you know, men get "pregnant" too.)
I've taken the last week to prepare, and on Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I will take the fit test, our weight and our measurements. Monday is day 1. Monday we push play. Monday we throw down with Tony Horton. And you, my lovelies, get a front row seat to my transformation.
Let me warn you… it will not be pretty.
Here are some motivational videos. I hope you will devote yourself to becoming healthy with me, not necessarily through P90X, but come on, lets do this thang!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Something For Your Weekend
I've made some free printable napkin rings for you this Memorial Day Holiday!
Just Print, Cut and Tape these paper rings around your napkins and/ or silverware for cute barbecue decor!
Click on the image below and either right click to download the bookplates or just print directly from your internet browser.
Print on standard white paper or print on sticky back label paper!
Viola! Instant cuteness!
This design complements the shoe fabric I've designed and listed on!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dash to the Ballpark
Last Saturday was "Family Night" at our local Minor League ballpark. For $29.95 ($40 after paying through Ticketmaster - the crooks!) we received 4 tickets, 4 vouchers for a free meal at Chick-fil-a and 4 embroidered team hats. Not bad, even with the extra Ticketmaster fees.
Winston-Salem has had a baseball team, for just about forever. The latest incarnation is the Winston-Salem Dash (prior to this they were the Warthogs, EW!). The team has a brand new stadium. In fact it is so new, it still has that new stadium smell… really, the cement is so clean you could eat off of it! Construction was finally completed this Spring, after much controversy and near financial ruin. What started as a private enterprise is now owned by the city of Winston-Salem. And let me tell you, if they keep catering to families, Winston-Salem, and the Dash, are going to make a financial killing!
We had a blast. It was a warm night, although a bit humid as it had been raining off and on all day. The Dash hosted the Lynchburg Hillcats and, as soon as the last note of the National Anthem faded off into the evening, began to steadily beat their guests into the perfectly manicured lawn at BB&T Ballpark. Final score 11 to 4.
The place was packed with over 7,000 fans in attendance, making it the largest crowd to date at the young stadium. We neglected to buy our tickets until Friday evening and wound up with lawn seats. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the lawn section. The view is not bad (I doubt there is a bad view anywhere in the whole stadium) and I'd venture a bet that the lawn is the most comfortable spot in the park. The Lawn is at a steep angle, which helps keep you upright if you have back ailments (like me) and is also the perfect angle for lounging while watching the game. A breeze seems to hit the lawn which really helps, and I'm unsure if the folks in the stand, surrounded by all sorts of stadium structure, can feel it so well, but, I don't know. My only complaint about the experience would be the concession prices. A coke was $4.00 for an ice filled cup that one could down in a matter of minutes. I understand the prices at these events are always high, but I think a town like Winston-Salem, with a minor league team, could be a little more reasonable.
It was a pretty perfect evening and an impressive display by the team. We even saw the Famous Chicken - the kids loved it! And although I'm still not over the baseball strike of 1994, and will always remain a Pirate fan in spite of their record, the Dash have come dangerously close to re-igniting my affection for the sport.
In the end, all I can promise is this… We will definitely be back!
Winston-Salem has had a baseball team, for just about forever. The latest incarnation is the Winston-Salem Dash (prior to this they were the Warthogs, EW!). The team has a brand new stadium. In fact it is so new, it still has that new stadium smell… really, the cement is so clean you could eat off of it! Construction was finally completed this Spring, after much controversy and near financial ruin. What started as a private enterprise is now owned by the city of Winston-Salem. And let me tell you, if they keep catering to families, Winston-Salem, and the Dash, are going to make a financial killing!
We had a blast. It was a warm night, although a bit humid as it had been raining off and on all day. The Dash hosted the Lynchburg Hillcats and, as soon as the last note of the National Anthem faded off into the evening, began to steadily beat their guests into the perfectly manicured lawn at BB&T Ballpark. Final score 11 to 4.
The place was packed with over 7,000 fans in attendance, making it the largest crowd to date at the young stadium. We neglected to buy our tickets until Friday evening and wound up with lawn seats. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the lawn section. The view is not bad (I doubt there is a bad view anywhere in the whole stadium) and I'd venture a bet that the lawn is the most comfortable spot in the park. The Lawn is at a steep angle, which helps keep you upright if you have back ailments (like me) and is also the perfect angle for lounging while watching the game. A breeze seems to hit the lawn which really helps, and I'm unsure if the folks in the stand, surrounded by all sorts of stadium structure, can feel it so well, but, I don't know. My only complaint about the experience would be the concession prices. A coke was $4.00 for an ice filled cup that one could down in a matter of minutes. I understand the prices at these events are always high, but I think a town like Winston-Salem, with a minor league team, could be a little more reasonable.
It was a pretty perfect evening and an impressive display by the team. We even saw the Famous Chicken - the kids loved it! And although I'm still not over the baseball strike of 1994, and will always remain a Pirate fan in spite of their record, the Dash have come dangerously close to re-igniting my affection for the sport.
In the end, all I can promise is this… We will definitely be back!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Free Retro Shoes Bookplate
Today I am offering my first free printable design!
Click on the image below and either right click to download the bookplates or just print directly from your internet browser.
Print on standard white paper and glue into books using a glue stick, or print on sticky back label paper!
**Designed for AVERY #8164**
Viola! Instant cuteness!
This design complements the shoe fabric I've designed and listed on!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Artist in Residence
Last week a note was sent home from my daughter's school. Charlotte is NEVER in trouble, so I wasn't concerned when she handed it to me, in fact, she was highly excited.
As it turns out, Charlotte's Kabuki Theatre Mask was chosen to represent her class in a county wide art exhibition. I could not be more proud!
Below in an interview with the artist.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Kind of Store
I hate my clothes.
I wish Tim Gunn were my uncle. I keep a picture of him on my refrigerator to remind me to take care of my appearance. Yes, as a mother of three, I am sad to say that I am 'one of those' women who have succumbed to ponytails and t-shirts. I dream of being that glamour mom, you know, the one with perfectly coiffed hair, an outfit that doesn't look like she had to do the 'sniff' test before donning it. They type with manicured nails, walk with hair-free legs, and dress their children in co-ordinated outfits.
I know these women exist. They are there to show us what could be, and we (I'm talking to all the moms out there who have succumbed like I have) tell ourselves that these mothers must have unhappy children who are robots or will grow up to be heartless, money grubbing Wall Street types. But I don't think that's true, at least not for all of them.
And I'm not talking about keeping up with the Jones'. I am talking about looking our best. About "making it work."
It has to start somewhere, and for me, it begins with clothes.
I have found my perfect store. It's called Mod Cloth. The ideal me would have these clothes in her closet and what's more, she'd wear them!
I Only Have Eyes For This Dress $189.99
I would get this for my girlfriend's wedding if it weren't so white.
Earth Angel Dress $199.99
Lovely Lace Shirt $34.99
Now, here are two shirts I would feel good about wearing with jeans!
Kabhi Khushi Top $47.99

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My Latest Obsession
I don't have a craft today. I know, I know. It's crafty Wednesday, but we will have to play crafts later. I have something to show and tell you about that has me more excited about creativity than anything has in a long while!
Creative Types had better brace themselves.
I found a site called Spoonflower. Spoonflower is a fabric printing shop. A real fabric printing shop. I'm talking yards and bolts and fat quarters, oh my! The price of the fabric is not cheap, but it's less expensive than designer fabric (read: Lily Pulitzer) and the cool thing is that it IS designer fabric - YOUR DESIGNS!
You can sign up for a free account and start uploading your images. You can have fabric of a drawing, painting, photographs, graphic design… anything! Imagine an apron made with your child's drawings! Imagine that painting of a sunflower that would make the cutest pattern on a dress! Don't even get me started on Christmas gift possibilities!
Your image must be 150 dpi (dots per inch) whether your scanning or creating digitally and all uploads must be less than 30 MB. Prices start at $5 for an 8 x 8 swatch, so if you want some unique one of a kind quilt squares, just upload an 8 x 8 image at 150 dpi and, Ta-da! (sigh) It's so exciting!
And others can order your fabric too, and you will get a 10% designer comission. Your designs always remain your personal property and you may remove your "fabric" from the site at anytime and they will not reprint it unless you re-post the image.
I already have 5 fabrics posted and am eagerly awaiting their arrival in the mail! (eek!)
Here's what has kept me from my regular crafting - plus, it is easier for me to create digital graphics while nursing my baby than attempt other creative endeavors. Each week they have a contest for $100 store credit, and YOU KNOW I've been working on entries since I found this site!
This week's theme is puppet patterns. The deadline was Tuesday so you can't enter it, but you can vote! (this past week's contest , some very cool cocktail fabrics, may still be accepting votes but the puppet patterns should be up soon!)
Here's my entry for this week's contest!
Grab a vine and swing by to learn more and to vote!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
What Really Matters
Mother's Day is a fun day for me, not just because I'm a mom and I get a little pampered, but because my husband really has to use his imagination.
On my first Mother's Day my daughter was about 9 months old. She (read: my husband) gave me sterling silver Tiffany & Co. heart earrings. They were beautiful. I loved them. A great idea for any first time dads out there!
Now the interesting thing to note here, is that my dear husband tends to believe that once he's done something, like get me an expensive gift for a holiday, that a precedent has been set. He then attempts to "out do" or "live up" to this imaginary standard that he's given himself. I know, I know, I should encourage this behavior right?
Well, it just so happens, that our family experienced a life changing event which affected us financially. My husband, miserable with his career pattern (computer programming) decided, with my whole hearted support, to return to school to pursue medicine. After years of taking classes to compensate for what he missed the first time around in college, he was accepted into Medical School.
This brings us to our first holidays as a family of three living on student loans. I don't particularly remember Christmas, but I clearly recall Mother's Day. My husband seemed stressed, more than the usual stress level of learning all that medical doctor-type stuff. When I approached him about it, he said that he was worried about "letting me down" on Mother's Day.
We had a good talk about what really matters that day. I remember telling him that a handprint of my little girl on a piece of paper would be more precious to me than anything he could find at a store. When he felt the sincerity in my words he looked encouraged. That year, I did in fact get a handprint from my girl and a new precedent had been set.
Now each year around Mother's Day, I'll hold up in a room and read, or write, while trying not to listen as my husband and children create handmade treasures for me. I especially love it, because it puts my husband out of his comfort zone… he has to plan, to craft.
This year, my husband led the charge as my daughter and son made me Friendship Pins. I attached them to my sneakers so that I can be reminded daily of what truly matters. It's not the toys we buy, but the love we make.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
For Cici and Great Mama
I am so inspired by these two women, they have taught me how to be a woman, a wife and a mother. This video is a tribute to my mother, my grandmother and the one we all aspire to emulate, my late great-grandmother Arizona Newman Lewis.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there in the blogosphere!
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